The Evolving Role of Obesity in Knee Osteoarthritis
Here is an adapted review of a study on the effect of obesity on knee osteoarthritis. I see a many patients in the office with knee arthritis. Many are significantly obese. Obese patients may [...]
Vitamin D and Bone Health
Vitamin D plays an important role in protecting your bones. It may also help prevent other conditions including certain cancers. Your body requires vitamin D to absorb calcium. Children need vitamin D to build strong [...]
Vitamin D-ficiency Common among Orthopaedic Surgery Patients
Everyday patients ask about dietary supplement that can be taken to improve bone or tissue healing related to a fracture or a sprain. I usually say that if you are healthy and eat a healthy [...]
Anatomy and Function of the Menisci
The knee (tibiofemoral) joint is the largest and one of the most complex joints in the body as it allows you to flex and extend your knee as well as rotate it horizontally. The [...]
Interesting Knee Arthroscopy Pictures
Here are some interesting knee scope pictures. This is the under surface of the patella or knee cap. Above the metal instrument, you can see a small bare spot in the joint cartilage. This is [...]
Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Bacteremia in Patients with Joint Replacements
As an orthopedic surgeon, I have a large number of patients whose shoulders and knees I have replaced. I also have many more patients who have metal implants related to fracture repair and [...]