Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair
The rotator cuff is the set of four tendons that help us move the shoulder. Technology has progressed over the past several years allowing surgeons to repair torn rotator cuff tendons through very small incision [...]
Tibial Fracture: Leg vs. Motorcycle
As a member of the active staff of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Hartford Hospital, I have many opportunities to be a part of the team of orthopedists that provide care to injured patients [...]
Malunited Wrist Fracture
These x-rays are those of a young woman who was treated by two other orthopedic surgeons. She came to me after being treated for this wrist fracture that has healed in an unacceptable position. Below [...]
Shoulder Fractures: Anatomic Neck Fracture
This woman fell and sustained this proximal humerus fracture. This x-ray in her right shoulder shows this significant displacement of the fracture. This fracture would not heal properly if treated without surgery. After discussing this [...]
Rotator Cuff Tear Arthropathy
This man is a 77 years old male with long standing left shoulder pain and weakness. His initial x-rays confirm the presence of a massive unfixable rotator cuff tear. We know this because the position [...]