Gender disparities in total joint arthroplasty
Two patients—one male, one female, both with osteoarthritis of the knee and with identical clinical scenarios of chronic knee pain—visit their primary care provider. The man is referred to an orthopedist for a possible [...]
Treatment For Shoulder Tightness
Try this: reach your right hand behind your back and touch your fingers to your spine (go as high up as you can reach easily and comfortably). Now do the same thing with the left [...]
Open repair results in less recurrent instability
For years I have selectively used arthroscopic techniques for stabilization of the shoulder for individuals who have had instability or recurrent dislocations. I have, however, been skeptical of using arthroscopic surgery alone for all [...]
A Common Cause of Anterior Knee Pain
A medial plica is a remnant of an embryonic partition in the knee, and runs along the inner aspect of the kneecap. It may also be called a 'medial shelf' - more a vertical [...]
Steroid Injections for Painful Shoulders
Here is a great review of steroid injections for the painful shoulder. It is very technical and probably better for the medical professional rather than the average patient.JTM, MDFrom International Journal of Clinical Practice by [...]
Microfracture of the knee
Image of cartilage defects Microfracture is a surgical technique that has been developed to treat chondral defects, which are damaged areas of articular cartilage of the knee. It is a common procedure used to treat [...]