What is MMA?
MMA is a style of martial arts that uses theories and styles from different types of sportive martial arts. MMA incorporates take-downs, ground fighting, stand-up striking, punches, kicks, and chokes in training. As popularity for the sport continues to increase, more athletes each year are becoming part of the sport. As a result of the high physical demands of mixed martial arts, acute and chronic MMA shoulder injuries are possible. Dr. James Mazzara is committed to finding a treatment that is right for patients in Manchester, South Windsor, Enfield, Glastonbury and surrounding Hartford communities who have sustained a shoulder injury or who have shoulder pain from MMA.
Shoulder MMA Injuries
The mobility of the shoulder joint provides MMA athletes with a wide range of motion, making it more susceptible to injury. Shoulder dislocations can be common in this sport, where the ball of the upper arm (humerus) is forced out of the socket of the shoulder (glenoid). If your shoulder is dislocated, you may feel pain, muscle spasms, weakness, and numbness. You may also hear a popping sound along with the pain you are experiencing. It is also important to note that shoulder dislocation can happen in all directions: forward, backward, or downward.
Specific moves that place a heavy load of stress on the shoulder include:
- Arm bars
- Americana
- Kimura
- High impact landing
- Forceful contraction and submission holds
These moves make the joint vulnerable to an anterior shoulder dislocation.
What is an Anterior Shoulder Dislocation?
The most common type of shoulder dislocation within the MMA community is anterior shoulder dislocation. This happens when the shoulder slips forward, and accounts for 95-98% of all shoulder dislocations. The humerus (upper arm) moves forward and down out of the joint, which in many cases causes external rotation and extension stress on the joint.
Anterior dislocation may occur when an athlete falls on an outstretched arm, rotates the arm in an uncomfortable way, or when they take a hard, direct blow to the shoulder. When this occurs, the athlete will not be able to bring the arm that was dislocated across the front of the chest.
What is the treatment for anterior shoulder dislocation in MMA athletes?
The joint first needs to “reduced” or relocated; this is when the ball of the humerus is moved back into place within the glenoid of the shoulder. Once the joint is relocated, Dr. Mazzara will assess the patient’s full range of motion, obtain X-rays an MRI and other diagnostic tests to determine the extent of shoulder instability caused from the injury.
Dr. Mazzara may immobilize the injury by placing the arm in a sling or other device for several weeks to allow healing. A combination of ice, rest and eventually, physical therapy-to help strengthen the shoulder joint-will be recommended.
Some cases of shoulder instability or recurrent dislocations may require minimally invasive or open surgery, for more severe damage. Dr. Mazzara recommends arthroscopic surgery for many patients and can perform this procedure for the patients in Manchester, South Windsor, Enfield, Glastonbury and surrounding Hartford communities. Arthroscopic surgery has been proven to be highly effective in repairing shoulder instability and returning patients to their normal activities in a shorter amount of time.
For additional information about a dislocated shoulder injury in MMA, or on other injuries common to MMA fighters, please visit the office of Dr. James Mazzara serving Manchester, South Windsor, Glastonbury and the surrounding Hartford communities.