Biceps Tenodesis Specialist

Are you an athlete who participates in sports that involve throwing overhead? If so, you may be at risk of developing an injury to the biceps. Biceps tenodesis specialist, Dr. James Mazzara provides diagnosis and both surgical and nonsurgical treatment options for patients in Manchester, South Windsor, Enfield, Glastonbury and surrounding Hartford communities who have sustained a biceps tendon injury. Contact Dr. Mazzara’s team today!
What is Biceps Tendinitis and Biceps Tenodesis Treatment?
Biceps tendinitis can be a common cause of shoulder pain in the front of the shoulder. The biceps tendon is a muscle that is located on the upper arm, between the elbow and the shoulder. This muscle gives the shoulder the ability to rotate the arm and bend the elbow. Athletes involved in overhead sports, such as swimming or basketball, and those who perform weight lifting and body building, are at an elevated risk for developing biceps tendinitis. If this condition causes extreme pain or shoulder disability without a response to non-surgical options, biceps tenodesis treatment may be recommended as a surgical option for repair. Manchester, South Windsor, Enfield, Glastonbury and surrounding Hartford area orthopedic shoulder surgeon, James Mazzara, MD is extremely well-trained and experienced at treating patients with severe shoulder pain and loss of function from biceps tendinitis.
Biceps tenodesis treatment is a type of shoulder surgery used to treat a tear in the tendon that connects the biceps muscle to the shoulder. During this operation, Dr. Mazzara releases the tendon from its attachment inside the shoulder joint; the procedure is called a tenotomy. The tendon is then reattached to the upper arm (humerus). The reattachment of the tendon to the humerus, instead of the glenoid, allows it to be moved away from the shoulder so overhead activity can resume. This allows the function of the muscle to be preserved while avoiding discomfort, cramping or cosmetic deformity. Most patients will experience great relief from pain after biceps tenodesis treatment.
Is Biceps Tenodesis Done Arthroscopically or With Open Surgery?
Dr. James Mazzara, serving Manchester, South Windsor, Enfield, Glastonbury and surrounding Hartford communities can offer either surgical option for biceps tenodesis treatment. While arthroscopic surgery is the preferred type of surgery to treat biceps tendinitis, sometimes open surgery is a better option for the patient. The type of tear, amount of shoulder damage, age and activity level of the patient are factors of consideration when deciding on the best treatment and surgery. Dr. Mazzara will consult with the patient to plan the best outcome with the quickest recovery time.
What is the recovery time after Biceps Tenodesis Treatment?
Patients who undergo biceps tenodesis treatment can expect an exceptional surgical outcome in most cases. Range of motion can typically begin shortly after surgery, with a full recovery at approximately three months. Dr. Mazzara will prescribe a full rehabilitation program for each patient following surgery with the ultimate goal of regaining strength and range of motion.
If you are interested in more information about arthroscopic and open biceps tenodesis treatment, please contact Dr. James Mazzara, orthopedic shoulder surgeon in Manchester, South Windsor, Enfield, Glastonbury and surrounding Hartford communities.